Say What?
About Ken’s sticker article
Hi Ken,
I’ve just finished reading your Stickers article in the March/April edition of Motorcycle Mojo and it has prompted me to do something I have never done…write into a magazine.
I am a 29 year old female, who currently rides a H-D Sportster (but dreams of a Fat Boy as others would wish for sugarplums) and who fell into this lifestyle due to lack of options four years ago. My husband is the stereo-typical H-D rider: big, burly, full of tattoos and with a full family back-ground of Harley riders. I, on the other hand, was a ‘high maintenance’ (to put it nicely) woman. The rule had always been that when he made me a married woman and after we bought our first house, he could get his bike. (Silly me, thinking that this would take much longer than it actually did). So, at 25, when he was purchasing his first bike I found him saying to me, “Do you want one too?” Well, scared to death or not, who says no to that?
It is now four years, two body piercings and two tattoos later. I am converted, no doubt about it, but I still have traces of the old me. I remain an avid scrapbooker (I bet some of your readers didn’t know that Harley-Davidson actually has a scrapbooking line), in which making albums of past road journeys gets me through the harsh New Brunswick winters. Although I love my biker pages with their H-D embellishments, nothing can make a page look better than a good ol’ traditional helmet sticker. I, like you, would never dream of actually wearing these on my helmet…but I lack a toolbox on which to put them. What better way to make a statement on a page of biker pictures than a helmet sticker? So, someday you may just see me at an event, digging through the helmet stickers like a kid at Christmas, but my use for them is for a completely different reason than anyone watching may imagine.
In closing, please let me congratulate everyone at Motorcycle Mojo for their amazing work. Although my husband loves your magazine, I believe I am your bigger fan. My husband ensures that our bathroom is stocked with every motorcycle magazine you could ever imagine, and at one point or another I’ve flipped through them all, but there is only one that ever goes missing from his sacred collection.
I’m not sure who is more excited when we open the mailbox and find the newest issue of MM. Thank you for such a versatile publication!
Shannon Parker-Thibault,
Fredericton, NB
Hi Shannon,
Thanks for the message, it’s always great hearing from appreciative readers! I wasn’t aware that H-D had a scrapbooking line, though I’m not surprised. My Super Glide is sitting not-so-patiently in my garage waiting for the end of a harsh central Ontario winter as well. As this was your first time writing to a magazine I thought I should reply, thanks for the letter. Ken Rush
Lesley, Thank you for the great article on Carl. He was a friend as well as a customer. My friend Snuffy rode, fished and partied with Carl. We had a lot in common, including the cancer. He will be missed. Terry Rea
Lesley, I have been reading your stuff in Mojo for a couple of years now. I really like how you articulate the base emotions and sense of freedom we all feel, expect and turn to, in our motor-cycling experiences. Keep it up, Ed
Hi Glenn and Gwen,
We came across your magazine while in Lake George, New York for the 25th Anniversary of Americade (June 2007). We received 3 wonderful complimentary issues and I must admit, I’m addicted. I am now a subscriber to Motorcycle Mojo and can never be patient enough to get the next issue in my mailbox. I ride a 1500 cc Kawasaki Vulcan Classic and my husband rides a 2007 Honda Goldwing. We do about 12,000 km in a season. There is no way of explaining the feeling of being on the open road with nothing between you except for the sound of the wind and the rumble of the pipes of course! I guess we can call it freedom.
Now we are planning a bike trip
in June to the east coast, New Brunswick, PEI, and Nova Scotia. Any recommended places to stay, see or things to do? Yes, we are definitely doing the Cabot Trail.
Thanks for publishing a great magazine and interesting articles. Who knows, maybe we’ve already waved to each other passing by. See you in New Liskeard in July for Biker’s Reunion. I’ll be there.
Safe riding to all those who are on the open road. Jennifer Krupka
Hi Glenn,
I recently got a free copy of your mag from an old friend, Roger Parsons. I am not a bike guy, probably never will be but I loved your magazine. It has a real nice vibe to it, classy but comfortable, informative but not in your face, in other words it has the quality of an American magazine without the hype and glitz that they seem to be so good at. I really liked the vintage bikes and the centerfold.
The summer is huge for you biker guys, and myself as a classic car guy wish that the car guys would do more ‘rides’ like you do. The ‘show and shines’ start to look the same after awhile. If even a non-bike guy like myself can enjoy your magazine you obviously know your market well and you have an excellent product that should continue to do very well. One can sense your passion for biking. Roger seems very stoked to be a part of your team and he certainly has a passion for the sport. The best of luck and continued success.
Ray Eckert, Georgetown, ON
Hi, how you doing down in Barrie, Ontario–good I hope! I’m getting pretty itchy to ride, got to wait a little while longer. Question for ya. I subscribed to your magazine at the Edmonton bike show this year, and still haven’t gotten my magazine. Am I just too impatient, or do I have a problem? Perhaps it’s because it’s a great magazine and people might be taking it at the Post Office, or whatever. Thanks, Looking forward to a reply. Adrian Lepine Edmonton AB
Hi Adrian
I agree it has been a long winter this year. We had snow to stay at the beginning of December. In 06 I was riding at Xmas time.
As for your copy of the magazine – No need to panic just yet.The next issue is in the mail today I’m told (we just got the skids delivered here on Wednesday). You should expect it within a week. Maybe two weeks at the latest.
We publish every two months–6 per year. Plus we also produce two Special Editions that come bundled with a copy of Mojo making eight in total.
If you don’t receive your copy soon, make sure you contact me because things do go missing in the Post Office once in a while. I seem to have more problems with Canada Post in Alberta than any other province. Thanks for the email Adrian
And remember it will be spring soon, that I can guarantee.
Glenn Roberts
Hey Bud, got Your Bible a couple of day’s ago , it was a little wet because the weather here is warmer during the day. Thanks Glenn, I’m almost done reading it already, sounds like your going to be pretty busy this year, good luck on that ride to Alaska, that would be a cool ride.
Thanks again Glenn, will be watching for ya.
Safe Rides and have fun.
Adrian, Edmonton, Alberta
Dear Glenn,
Received our copy of Motorcycle Mojo Magazine today, thank you for the paragraph in your Crossroads Summer 2008 Booked article. You have a busy season ahead!
It was also heart-warming to see in print the letter from Patrick Dubois, Concept & Design Cycles. Thank you for including that in MMM ‘Say What?’ When you’re so close to something it is often difficult to perceive how others view what one is trying to accomplish. You’ll see the letter posted on our website at CDC is featured in Daytona not only at The World Famous Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show, but appearing at the Classic Boardwalk Show, the Iron Works Magazine Bike Show, and at Daytona International Speedway. In 2009, Canada’s 2008 Champion will also be featured at Bruce Rossmyer’s Destination Daytona. CBBO is dedicated to make it happen for our Canadian talent!
Enjoy your day! Always shining
First time reader of your magazine and must say it was great…and Canadian too, eh? Your article on nitrogen in tires was interesting as I have for some time read other accolades for nitrogen and have used it in all my vehicles–especially trailers, which really benefit from a safety standpoint. I have always been somewhat conflicted with the use in my motorcycle, as nitrogen really shines at disapating and reducing heat build-up in tires, and I have felt that this may reduce my ‘sticky’ contact with the road on a bike. Your thoughts or findings on this one area would really help my decision to use or leave well enough alone.
‘Papa’ Don
Edmonton, AB
Hi Gwen, I am a customer of your magazine and wonder if there is a way that it could be wrapped in plastic. Thanks in advance.
Monte Lovegrove
Hi Monte,
Our magazines have always been packaged except for the last issue. Our printer has apologized for this mixup and you can be assured that we will do everything we can to have future issues wrapped in plastic as usual. Gwen
Thanks for all the great coverage in the March issue of Motorcycle Mojo.
Anyone reading the magazine can’t miss the three separate items covering the B.A.D. Ride. Fabulous issue as well! Regards, Sid Rochwerg
Dear Mojo Wreckin’ Crew,
Thank you for the great magazine. It’s nice to have a family friendly Canadian magazine, although I might want to distance myself from Stu.
Questions —
Will Glenn be home this summer?
Has Gwen picked a colour yet?
When will Emily be writing her first article?
Is Roger short or is that some kind of big BSA?
Will Ken be getting an extra stripe on his helmet?
Does Clinton wear blue sun glasses? and will spring ever come?
Ed Groeneveld
Whew! Well Ed, great questions…
We do hope Glenn is home sometime this summer…someone has to cut the grass and pick up after the dog.
Black is the colour according to Emily who still refuses to write anything for us.
Roger does appear to be a tad vertically challenged in the photo in the March/April issue on page 13, however since we have convinced him to wear longer pants he looks almost average, on most days.
I think we might just see Ken adding a stripe or two to his helmet, to achieve more power.
Clinton…umm, now there’s a story or three or four.
Spring, I hear it is just around the corner, but like you I feel I’m stuck in a round-about waiting and waiting.
Sincerely Gwen

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