Is it just me, or is this winter dragging on longer than any other winter in recent memory? Just getting back into the groove after the National Motorcycle Show in Toronto and as usual, speaking with many riders, it seems I’m not alone. Most agree that to say it’s been a longer than normal winter would be an understatement. In 2006, I was riding two days before Christmas. I had attended a Christmas party that I departed around midnight to begin my 45-minute ride home. While I was dressed for it, I wasn’t overly dressed. Just chaps, a couple layers of shirts including a sweatshirt and my warmest riding coat. It was a beautiful, crisp late night ride and one I’ll remember for a long time.

Move ahead less than a year to the winter of 07-08 and we have been socked in here in Ontario since late November. Even though we have had three complete thaws this winter, when the snow hits, it hits hard. I usually just drive over the snow all winter because I know for a fact it will disappear on its own in the spring so why do all that work for nothing? This year, however, I have shoveled more than the last few years combined and during the last big dump, I even borrowed a snow blower from my neighbour across the road. Thanks Russ, I owe you one.

I’ve heard many people say, and I’d have to agree, that this winter was more like the winters we had when we were kids. Did we really get more snow then, or did it just seem deeper because we were shorter?

In any case, until an apocalypse happens, I’m glad to say that spring is guaranteed to arrive but this year especially it couldn’t arrive soon enough.

By the time the last two bike shows in Toronto roll around, the National Show and the International Spring Show, everybody knows it won’t be long until we are riding again. Generally speaking, these two shows mark the beginning of riding season. There’s a sort of spring fever buzzing at the shows and many riders that are willing to brave the temperature do ride to them. We have had major snowstorms and highways closed in past years on these show weekends.

Nevertheless, people get their bikes out of the garage, give them the once over to make sure they’re roadworthy and head out onto the open road for that first blast of spring air.

For those that do not yet have your bikes out, we have included an informative article called ‘Getting Your Bike Out of Storage – What Now.’ This article is a pretty comprehensive list of things to check before putting your bike on the road for the first time this year. Many of the items listed should also be a weekly or daily go-over of your bike as well.

I’m sure you noticed something on the cover like you have never seen before, the Uno. With technology what it is today, and in the future, you are sure to see more and more crazy things on the road. While the Uno isn’t quite ready for the road, there is a good possibility you may see the Uno or a derivative of it in the not so distant future.

At the other end of the motorcycle spectrum, in this issue you will find a very rare 1923 Harley-Davidson Model J in all of its original unrestored splendor complete with the original sidecar.

Last year we started a segment called ‘Destinations’. We will continue to deliver these ‘Destinations’ based on weekend or weeklong rides so you can plan your summer and attend some of the finest events and rallies that Canada has to offer.

In this issue we bring you The Bikers Reunion. A family oriented event that takes place on the shores of Lake Temiskaming in the town of New Liskeard in northern Ontario.

The second annual Atlanticade, held in Moncton, NB is a five-day motorcycle festival that we have included for you to plan your summer travels for those who are planning a trip to the Maritimes. Not only will you get to sample some of the countries finest seafood, you’ll meet some of Canada’s friendliest people.

If it is any indication of how Atlanticade might do, this past February was the MMIC Motorcycle Show in Moncton. This was a first time show in the Maritimes and it was a huge success by anyone’s standards. While Friday and Sunday were slow, Saturday was smokin’ busy. Industry experts said they would be happy if they had between 10,000 – 12,500 people through the gate but, as it turns out, our very own Gwen Roberts came up with a number based on an educated guess of attending events out east. Gwen knows the east is under-served so when an event happens, it is very well attended. Gwen guessed 15,000 spectators and 15,175 walked through the gates. An excellent turn out for a first time show.

Also in this you will see a beautiful BMW restored into a Café Racer, complete with before and after photos. Hector Catre, who had never tried anything like this before, shows what a person can do if you just set your mind to the task at hand and follow it through. He did an outstanding job.

These few mentioned stories are but a few in this jam-packed issue. So grab your favourite beverage, sit back in a comfortable chair and read on. I hope you enjoy.

Oh, I almost forgot. We have new website. Although we updated the previous one on a regular basis, we thought it was time for a major overhaul. The new site is cleaner and easier to navigate. It also allows easier updates and more expansion capabilities so we can deliver more pertinent and timely information to you. There will be a few additions to it over the next month or two so keep checking back to