The Ride Atlas brings anniversary content and 25 fresh rides to route-hungry bikers and Harley-Davidson® enthusiasts.

Motorcycle riders who love to travel off the beaten path will get a thrill out of the new Harley-Davidson® Ride Atlas of North America® by Rand McNally, commemorating the motorcycle maker’s 105th year.

With a showcase of 25 new rides, mostly in the USA, with only two of the rides in Canada and one in Mexico, the anniversary edition atlas invites bikers who ran up the miles with past editions to experience more twisting, challenging routes through back roads and byways. The 336-page trip guide also features content that pays tribute to Harley-Davidson’s 105th anniversary so riders can celebrate in grand style.

The atlas comes with an exclusive, poster-sized “The Ride Home” wall map that allows adventure-seekers to stake out courses from 105 Ride Home starting points around the U.S. to Milwaukee, site of the 2008 Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary celebration. A brief timeline chronicles the company’s great historical moments and gives motorcyclists the chance to brush up on their Harley-Davidson trivia. Both the map and a more detailed timeline are offered in smaller form within the book.

The Ride Atlas showcases 25 new routes—carefully selected by Harley-Davidson dealers and riders—that are sure to satisfy bikers’ appetites for more thrills on the open road. Each of the 25 showcased rides features side trips, route length, trip details and an inset map that marks the route. The Canadian routes feature the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec and a trip through New Brunswick and into Prince Edward Island.

The atlas is jam-packed with four-colour maps, insider tips, seasonal riding information, extensive mileage charts and Harley-Davidson dealership information. It also features a ride log for riders to record their travel tales from the road.

On the downside, the Ride Atlas does not have independent roadmaps of the Yukon, Northwest Territories or any of the northern regions of our provinces and while Labrador is listed in the index, it is not to be found. Also in the listing of the 25 featured rides, the Quebec ride is listed as Quebec, Ontario, not Gaspé, Quebec.

It is however an ideal resource if travelling through the United States since small States get a large scale factor. Take for instance Pennsylvania, seven and half times smaller than Ontario yet Pennsylvania gets 10 pages of maps. Southern Ontario, on the other hand, gets 4 pages. Or to look at it another way, the U.S. has a total of 227 pages and Canada gets just 21 pages and no northern regions.

Hmmm, do I sound bitter?

The Harley-Davidson® Ride Atlas of North America® Anniversary Edition is available at Harley-Davidson dealerships, on and in select bookstores. Suggested retail price is $39.95.