Freakshow Choppers began as many custom motorcycle shops do, as a hobby. Jay Burnham poured his heart and soul into his first bike and in no time, word of mouth had the locals knocking at his door. Jay soon realized he needed to hire some additional help and move into bigger digs. First on the shop floor was the welding and fabrication talent of Bob Best. Demand for Freakshow’s bikes continued and Blair Chamberlain soon joined the crew as the shops head fabricator.

As busy as they were, they felt it was time to build their first bike designed for the show circuit. ‘Aliento Del Diablo’, aka The Devils Breath. Aliento Del Diablo would take 2nd place at BCCOM’s West Coast Custom Show in March of 2006 and put Freakshow Choppers on the map. They have not looked back since that initial show.

Bitten by the show bug and the need to outdo themselves, the boys at Freakshow designed a frame with Rick Fairless of Strokers Dallas fame. The finished product would be known as Fantasma Del Lago (Phantom of the Lake). The new bike consisted of a radical frame, 120 ci, diamond-cut motor, 6-speed transmission and Mike Garipey from Mike’s Tattoo’s and Airbrushing laid down the amazing paint and airbrush work. The seat was carved by Rawhide Walt and then sent to Barrie Dale for the seat’s assembly.

Fantasma Del Lago was released at BCCOM’s West Coast Custom Show in the spring of 2007 and cleaned up the awards ceremony with the Best in Show, People’s Choice and the Radical Swing Arm class. At the same show, their first show bike, Aliento Del Diablo took home the top spot in the Pro Builder Class while a Softail the boys entered won the Softail class. And the trophies continue to pile up.

By now they were hooked on the show circuit. Next stop was Regina for the Western Canadian AMD Championship Show were they took the Western Canadian Championship’s top spot as well as Best in Show, Best Paint and the People’s Choice award. They just missed a first place finish at the AMD Canadian Championship of Bike Building to three time AMD World Champion, Roger Goldammer of Kelowna, BC. That in itself is quite an accomplishment.

The list continues, but one competition the crew at Freakshow Choppers is very proud of is their position at the 2007 AMD World Championship Show in Sturgis, SD. They placed 35th, competing against a full field of the world’s best builders.

There seems to be no slowing down for Jay as he is now building a new 6,000 sq. ft. showroom and machine / polishing shop. You’ll want to watch out for the Freakshow coming your way and be prepared as there is no stopping these guys at the highest level.

2008 Western Canadian Championship of Bike Building – Winner
2008 Gastown Best in Show, Best Paint, Best Radical, Best Full Custom Swing Arm
2008 King of Customs People’s Choice – Winner
2007 West Coast Custom Motorcycle Show – People’s Choice, Best Bike, Radical Swing Arm, Pro Builder and Full Custom Softail Winner
2007 Western Canadian Championship of Bike Building – Winner
2007 Canadian Championship of Bike Building 2nd place Winner
2007 Gastown Best Bike – Winner
2007 Las Vegas Bike Fest – People’s Choice Award
2006 West Coast Custom Motorcycle Show – 2nd place Radical Rigid Class Winner

Freakshow Choppers
3145 Telegraph Road
Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P3