Say What?
Hi Glenn,
Thanks for publishing my story of our trip to the Dutch Mason Blues Festival in Nova Scotia.
In the original story I mentioned we had two more trips planned—one to Tobermory, ON where we ran into rain for most of the trip—no surprise. Our Thanksgiving trip through NY and PA (Allegheny Reservoir and Hyner View) however, was absolutely beautiful.
Take care and maybe we will see you at one of the bikes shows in TO.
Thanks again,
“The Rainmakers”, Beth Henderson
Glenn & Gwen,
You folks have the best biker magazine published. I look forward to getting my copies in the mail and can’t wait to start to read it as soon as I get it.
Your Canadian Custom Showcase Magazine is GREAT. About time that our custom builders got published and had the Canadian limelight shone on them for all to see.
Keep up the great work and look forward to reading more great articles from the Mojo team.
Wayne Remus
Just signed up for 3 years, after reading just one issue! My wife even commented on how many hours of enjoyment it had provided (and I do subscribe to other magazines).
LOVE the Canadian content. I’m an old motocrosser from the 70s, and had been without a motorcycle for 30 years. This year, I ended up with 5, including the 2 scooters we keep out in Osoyoos BC at our place on the lake.
I got laid off in March 2008, and my brother gave me his old 1984 Honda XL100S enduro—immaculate (after I fixed the forks and a turn signal problem) with only 1200 km. After finding it lacking (dangerous) on the local 70kph expressway, I sold it to buy a 1983 Suzuki GR650 Tempter. After finding that great in the city, but lacking on the highway, I got an 1998 Honda Shadow VT1000T ACE, for a song.
I always considered myself a dirt guy, but since getting the Shadow, I’m a converted cruiser nut… I definitely have the bug! I’ll ride in temperatures as low as zero degrees, and try to ride everyday! I was out as late as November 14, just before the first big snow storm hit Calgary.
Keep up the good work! I really like that you have female staff writer/riders. My wife swore she would never get on my Shadow, but has. Still, it’s hard to convince her to go on even short spins, let alone long trips, which I really want to do.
Perhaps in the future you will write some articles on negotiating with the spouse to take such trips? Also, being new to the cruiser game, it would be nice to hear about more local twisty roads to explore. Not sure you guys can provide such info, since it’s probably well protected, like a good fishing hole!
Still, if such lists/articles were not deemed fit for the mag, maybe an area on your website where riders could post or add to such a database would be awesome!
Cordell Clarke
You’ve got the Mojo.
This morning my husband and I shared our ritual of sipping coffee while glancing back and forth between the Christmas card-like scene outside and the weather channel on the TV. The blessing of the snow brings the necessary time to reflect on the past riding seasons, plan for the next and continue at the renovation projects at home.
A stack of different motorcycle mags lay on the coffee table and one is held firmly in my husband’s grip. “This is the one,” he shakes the Jan/Feb issue of Motorcycle Mojo at me. “You’ve gotta read about… and the article on… and…” His enthusiasm is contagious right down to a comment on the quality of the paper for the cover. Make no mistake, he is no authority on the production of a magazine in its entirety except to say that he has read more than those that fill the shelves, and boxes and stacks we hang onto for future reference. If our many ten day tours and our recent 21,000 km, 56 day coast-to-coast adventure qualifies as having enough experience to recognize the magazine to satisfy our own interests, Motorcycle Mojo is it. After paying close attention to his comments to identify the right magazine for his birthday I see Motorcycle Mojo brings out his enthusiasm like a kid in a candy shop. I look forward to receiving Motorcycle Mojo once the kitchen reno is complete.
From the pillion seat
Lauren Friesen, Salmon Arm, BC
Glenn, for the first time I finally know what you are talking about, the bike is put away yet thoughts of the upcoming spring keep filling my head, the open road, new places, friends, the urge to get on the bike and go for a ride. Even though I did not get a lot of time on the road last year, I still have this urge to dig through the never ending snow, start my bike and feel the wind around me. The only thing that comes close was when I was a kid, you couldn’t get me off the sled, especially living in Leith; it was snow paradise. The sense of freedom is very similar between the two, it’s almost like scuba diving, I feel so free under the water, no worries except drowning or being eaten by a shark – just kidding. Anyway I will likely head to London in Feb 2009 and will stop to see if you can spare time for a beer. Well take care!
Hi Lesley,
I just wanted to say hi and thank you. I have picked up the magazine “Motorcycle Mojo” a few times. I really enjoy reading your articles. Something about them that makes me focus on your every word… I just finished reading your article “Mendocino Soft Science” and I felt like I was right there with you in the corners.
I rode when I was younger and now, 2 years after a separation, I am planning on getting back into it this spring. I have been snowmobiling for 30 years and when you ride, you get into this “Zone” that is almost like meditation. Impossible to explain to someone who doesn’t ride but it’s an escape that you cannot get anywhere else.
Snowmobiling out East (Ontario) you have access to thousands of miles of trails which most of them have capable speeds of 70mph. The speed, the braking, the corners, the terrain, you focus on what’s in front of you and everything just flows. When your in your “Zone”, your in heaven.
I felt this in your writing about driving the Mendocino Highway in California. I have sold my sled to get back into the motorcycle sport. Since I have sold my bike I have never been able to escape the “bug” to ride. This spring I will be acting on it. My preference leans towards the sport bike over the cruiser.
I have bought many mag’s looking for something informative but more importantly fun and real life articles. I find there is too much emphasis on racing performance and not enough focus on street riding for your normal rider. This is what I love about your writing and the Mojo mag.
I also have a serious love for photography and really like what you have posted here. The topic of Women on bikes is a great idea and something you don’t see enough of. My camera will be with me when I get out on the road and I am looking forward to experimenting with different topics while riding.
Thank you again and I will continue to read.
Doug Meyers
I was with the Valkyrie Club when we met you in Maggie Valley. I just wanted to say thanks because I received a copy of Motorcycle Mojo in the mail today, just as you promised. I assume your article on the Wheels of Time Museum has already run, but I’ll enjoy reading this edition just the same. It’s a real shame the museum had to move.
It was great meeting you. What a job you have!!
Ride safe and thanks again,
Hi Dave,
The Wheels Museum piece has not run yet as I am waiting to publish it closer to the time when it reopens; so you have not missed it yet. It was great meeting you as well. Roger and I had a great time on that road trip. Hope to meet up with you again.
Hey Glenn,
I received my collector’s edition yesterday. I spent the evening enjoying the articles and the pictures of some very nice looking custom bikes. You have some very talented builders up there. Fine looking rides, all of them. Again the quality of the publication is outstanding. I was just wondering, the pictures on the back cover sure would make an outstanding calendar. Have you given that any thought?
I received an email from Roger last week and he said you guys had 18” of snow up there. (I don’t know what that is in metric but I know it’s a lot). I enjoyed the article with you and Emily. Hope she can make it to the Dragon soon. Well, I just wanted to keep in touch. Tell your entire staff that Brad and I enjoy all their hard work. Oh! by the way, “Happy Boxing Day”, whatever that is.
TMP (the master printer) RCS
Louisville, Kentucky
Wow, Great bike. I sat on the Spyder at the show. What great value. Thanks. Your mag is right on!
Yvonne Laramee
Signs that make you go Huh?

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Motorcycle Mojo Magazine is an award winning publication that provides premium content guaranteed to be of interest to every motorcycle enthusiast. Whether you prefer cruisers or adventure-touring, vintage or the latest models; riding round the world or just to work, Motorcycle Mojo covers every aspect of the motorcycle experience. Each issue of Motorcycle Mojo contains tests of new models, feature travel stories, compelling human interest articles, technical exposés, product reviews, as well as unique perspectives by regular columnists on safety or just everyday situations that may be stressful at the time but turn into fabulous campfire stories.
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