It’s billed as the World’s Largest Motorcycle Event. It’s also considered by many to be the motorcyclist’s equivalent of a college student’s Spring Break. And it’s less than a week away.


Organisers claim that the 2011 Daytona Bike Week, which runs from March 3 to 14, will be attended by over half a million motorcyclists, most of whom will be blowing-out the cobwebs accumulated during  a long hibernation.


An annual tradition since the inaugural running of the Daytona 200 motorcycle race in 1937, Bike Week will be commemorating its 70th birthday this year. Long established as the norm for the ten day event, Bike Week will be host to motorcycle shows, exhibits, live concerts, demo rides and of course racing at the Daytona International Speedway.


However, the biggest draw for many will be the party atmosphere of Main and Beach streets. The roads that are permanently filled with thousands of motorcycles are an all-out assault on the senses. The mixture of racing fans, hardcore bikers and curious first-timers creates a synergy reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights, and is something to be experienced by every motorcyclist at least once in their lives.


Undoubtedly there will be many Motorcycle Mojo readers taking part in the annual pilgrimage to the coastal town. We would like to see your Bike Week pictures, especially those of you showing off your Mojo gear, so please visit our Facebook page and let us have a look. Complete details and event listings for the 2011 Bike Week can be found at their official website.