The Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Units will hold its fifth annual Heroes Highway Ride on Saturday, June 1st.

The Highway of Heroes, a portion of Highway 401 that stretches from Trenton and Toronto, has seen 158 fallen Canadian Forces personnel take their final journey.

Family members and other supporters have lined the overpasses and bridges in tribute, as each of the men and women who gave their lives in Afghanistan were taken on a funeral convoy along the Highway of Heroes.

On June 1st, hundreds of motorcyclists are expected to arrive in Trenton via the Highway of Heroes, and the Canadian Army Veterans are looking for 316 youngsters aged eight to 18 to take part in a parade ceremony that will take place at Centennial Park.

The children selected to take part will represent youth from across the country; 158 will carry individual portraits of each of the fallen Canadian heroes, while the other 158 will walk alongside carrying Canadian flags.

The Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Units was founded in 2003 and supports charities and fundraisers that benefit Canadian veterans.

For more information or if you want to register your child for the event, go to