Kamloops Harley-Davidson and Kamloops EagleRider Rentals supports a great cause and helps to make the ChildLine Rocks Tour 2014 a reality.

For the past four years Kamloops Harley-Davidson and Kamloops EagleRider have partnered with ChildLine Rocks, a charitable organization that raises funds for a British children’s help-line through musical performances and other shenanigans.

The event brings together a group of riders dubbed “The Sons of Royalty”, which includes Special Forces veterans, bestselling authors, rock gods, wandering minstrels and many others for a great cause.

This bunch of interesting characters will be riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles supplied by Kamloops EagleRider Rentals from Nashville to New Orleans and up to Clarksdale Mississippi, via the historic Blues Music Trail from April 24 to May 4.

For more information head over to www.childlinerocks.org.uk