A Vicious Cycle welcomes you to their annual Open House, this Saturday April 25, 9 a.m – 2 p.m. They’ve got some great guest speakers, presentations, and food. And the new showroom is open!  

Whats Going On

Lawrence Hacking Presentation – Mongolia Trip
Arai Helmet fitting seminar
Givi & Sena information representative
KLIM information representative
V-Strom Owners of Canada
Motorcycle Mojo Magazine representative
SMART ADVENTURES – Clinton will be here to talk about their off-road motorcycle rider training.

Burgers ($2 donation), Hotdogs ($1 donation), one free cold drink per registered guest. All donations will go to the Red Cross.

e-mail Vicious Cycle at info@aviciouscycle.ca or call us at 1-888-524-7921 to register.

A Vicious Cycle Hours of Operation
1166 Queen St.
PO Box 338
New Dundee, ON N0B 2E0 Canada
Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm
9am – 2pm