AdMore Park-N-Move
It is, sadly, the most first-world of problems: too many motorcycles and not enough garage space. Now before you start thinking I’ve been on the take lo these many years, or that I have been selling a little ganga on the side, let me just say that my excess consists of two motorcycles in a decidedly one-bike garage. With oversized recycling bins — my condo committee does not allow outdoor garbage receptacle storage — and a motorcycle lift, things can get pretty tight in the Booth workspace.
That’s why I desperately needed something like AdMore’s Park-N-Move. Oh, understand me: I did not know I needed a motorcycle dolly. Indeed, until recently—when I started paying attention to our own magazine’s ads—I didn’t realize that anything like Park-N-Move even existed. But, since I’ve had one on test, the thing has become darned near indispensable.
Basically, the Park-N-Move is a small platform on wheels. Its four wheels are similar to the swiveling casters on shopping carts. The steel used for the Park-N-Move is a sturdy 10 mm thick, and the platform part measures 405 mm by 152 mm—wide enough, I will assume, to encompass the full gamut of motorcycle centre stands—and is just 18 mm off the ground, so hoisting that Gold Wing or fully-loaded R1250GS doesn’t require the strength of Thor.
Its use is a doddle, if slightly disconcerting the first time. Position the Park-N-Move under the bike so that both legs of the centre stand will land on the platform (this will take a few finagles the first time you use the Park-N-Move). Then simply hoist the bike onto the stand as you would on any other flat surface. Your bike is now ready to wheel around at will. And, because all four wheels are on heavy-duty casters, you can back the bike right into a corner, really maximizing space efficiency.
To be sure, lifting the bike will take a little more effort than normal; AdMore does keep the platform floor as low as possible but you still have to lift the bike a little less than 3/4 inch higher. And the whole bike will move around a little more than you are used to as it heaves up; the platform is, after all, on wheels. Nonetheless, it really is a doddle. Once you’ve used it a few times, placing the platform in the sweet spot before heaving becomes rote. As long as your quadriceps are not completely atrophied, it’s pretty easy.
Easy enough that I use the Park-N-Move a lot more than I thought I would. Initially, I envisioned using it mostly for winter storage. Load the V-Strom onto it once a year and then move the bike around while I work on it or the Honda. Instead, I find myself using it often in the summer months just to keep the garage tidy (okay, tidier).
All four casters lock so your bike can’t roll into a wall if you bump it. And AdMore provides a stickem’ed piece of sandpaper to install on the platform if you want your centre stand to have more traction while you’re loading it up. It sounds useful, but I never needed it. The Canadian-made Park-N-Move is available on the company’s website,, costs $269, and comes with a lifetime warranty on all components.
If you’ve got more than one bike—or need to fit a bike and a car into a one-car garage—the Park-N-Move makes moving motorcycles around tight spaces exceedingly easy.

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