September/October 2012

Trik Trike

Learning how to repair, fabricate and weld on the family farm at an early age set Brad Watson on an important path. That childhood education led to an insightful career as an auto technician, but his...

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Eureka: I have found it!

Local legend has it that in 1856, Dr. Alvah Jackson exclaimed “Eureka!”, the Greek word meaning “I have found it,” when he discovered the healing qualities of the waters of Basin Spring, one...

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An Expedition to Algoma

Inching along in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I reasoned with myself that leaving at 6:30 a.m. (as I did) should get me through this delightful, 40 km stretch of highway before rush hour. Wrong. This is...

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Army of One

It’s an analogy that only Canadians would understand. You’re at the local rink for the weekly shinny game when a new guy walks into the dressing room. He’s big, but since you’re polite, you...

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Wheel Bearing Service

As an avid Motorcycle Mojo reader, you used the advice in the last issue to replace the oil in your forks. While you were at it, you checked the wheel bearings and discovered that they needed...

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