Our ninth annual December world travel issue begins with a ride through Europe to the Balkans. Let’s just say that a ride of a lifetime doesn’t always end up as planned. We also bring you a beginner’s guide to riding in the Alps. Trouble brews after a rockslide closes a road in Kyrgystan, forcing this pair of riders to detour into Tajikistan and through the world’s most dangerous tunnel. Two articles in South America — one in Bolivia and the other in Chile and Argentina — round out this issue. All this and so much more in the December issue of Motorcycle Mojo.


+ Crossroads – Glenn Roberts

+ Threads

+ Life In The Fast Lane – Misti Hurst

+ Life’s An Adventure – Clinton Smout

+ Braapy Thoughts – Emily Roberts

+ Bolivia - Mark Holmes

+ Chile & Argentina Ruta 40 - Thierry Cellier

+ Euro Vacation - Owen Howells

+ Guide to the Alps - David Booth

+ The Tunnel - Lawrence Bransby

+ Product Review - Outback Motortek Pannier Rack

+ Product Review - TitanStraps

+ Product Review - Turkana Soft Luggage

+ Mojo Garage

+ The Last Word – David Booth

+ Remember When?